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Questions et Réponses pour Meuble TV cannelé en pierre frittée Grovyn 2000 mm avec rangement

4.8 385 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (12)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "Does it has cable management option?" asked by Teresa
A: "Yes, The TV stand has cable holes."
Q: "Can you please confirm the height of the overall TV console." asked by Sherry
A: "The height of the TV stand is 21.9"."
Q: "Does the 78” size also have 4 doors? Or is it 3 doors " asked by Hope
A: "Yes, it has 4 doors."
Q: "Ist die Tischplatte schmutzabweisend?" asked by Reck
A: "Ja, es ist schmutzabweisend."